Consulta OnLine (periodico online) ISSN 1971-9892









Parte Prima





Indagine conoscitiva sui profili critici della produzione normativa e proposte per il miglioramento della qualità della legislazione



The paper explores the primary causes of the current crisis in legislative production, emphasizing the constitutional importance of optimal law drafting and proposing potential tools to address this crisis.





La Corte e il venir meno del vizio di incostituzionalità (a margine di una pronuncia di legittimità costituzionale sopravvenuta)



The article examines Constitutional Court ruling no. 140 of 2024, focusing on "supervening constitutional legitimacy" and its application in this case. The Court upheld the payback mechanism for medical devices as reasonable and proportionate, despite concerns about legal certainty and company expectations. The article also notes how a prior ruling (no. 139 of 2024) altered the rule's proportionality, rendering the raised objections unfounded. Additionally, it discusses the diachronic interpretation of the law and timing issues related to the ruling's publication.





Riflessioni su interesse al ricorso e cessazione della materia del contendere nel giudizio in via principale



Facing a State challenge to a regional legislative provision already repealed at the time of notification of the appeal, the Court excludes inadmissibility due to lack of interest, since the application of the repealed provision cannot be excluded. Through an examination of the constitutional jurisprudence about interest in the appeal and cessation of the matter of the dispute, the paper verifies how the importance given to the application of the contested law may be consistent with the abstract nature of the direct constitutional challenge, and the need to not overlap the interest in the appeal with the cessation of the matter of the dispute.





Il fine vita tra Stato e Regioni



The paper analyses the Ligurian legislative proposal on the end of life, currently under discussion at the Ligurian Regional Council. Given that the Constitution never recognises a person s right to receive a death benefit, as recently reaffirmed by the Constitutional Court in its ruling no. 135 of 18 July 2024, the legislation under consideration appears to be unconstitutional because it infringes on the division of competences between the State and the Regions. In particular, the regional discipline contrasts with the State s reserve in the matter of civil and criminal law (art. 117, paragraph 2, letter l), of the Constitution), with the transversal State competence in the matter of essential levels of services (art. 117, paragraph 2, letter m), of the Constitution); moreover, the discipline of the end of life does not appear to be referable to the matter of protection of health , within which, in any case, the fundamental State principles are absent. Lastly, the principle of regulatory flexibility appears inapplicable.





Inciampi estivi alla garanzia dell’assistenza scolastica per gli alunni con disabilità



The short note reacts critically to a recent ruling by the Council of State on the subject of school assistance for students with disabilities, hoping that the proposed interpretative direction will be overcome by the intervention of the Plenary Assembly of the Council of State itself.




Consulta OnLine (periodico online) ISSN 1971-9892