Consulta OnLine (periodico online) ISSN 1971-9892






gennaio – aprile









Gli effetti temporali delle decisioni di incostituzionalità tra Legge fondamentale e diritto costituzionale vivente



The contribution examines the question of the temporal modulation of the effects of the decisions of the Italian Constitutional Court in the light of the most recent judgments, highlighting the critical issues and taking into account the doctrinal contrasts. The study stresses that the novelties must be judged as a whole, as they may be preferable to other theoretically impervious and impeccable situations, but capable of determining a situation potentially even more harmful to the constitutional order.




La privacy al tempo dell’état d’urgence: il Conseil constitutionnel sentenzia correttamente



Privacy in times of emergency: the French Conseil Constitutionnel takes an appropriate decision.

The present contribution analyses the decision of the French Conseil Constitutionnel no. 2016-536 QPC on law no. 55-385, as amended by law no. 2015-1501. The mentioned legislation, due to the terrorist attacks perpetrated in Paris in November 2015, extends the duration of the state of emergency and widens the powers – especially those of the police – that can be resorted to during these circumstances. In particular, the commented decision deals with the challenging balance between privacy and national security.




Le suggestioni del diritto all’autodeterminazione personale tra identità e diversità di genere. Note a margine di Corte cost. n. 221 del 2015



Analyzing the relationship between the principle of personal self-determination and gender identity / diversity, the author comments the decision no. 221 of 2015 of the Constitutional Court. In this case the Court had to decide about constitutional legitimacy of the rule (article 1 of the law no. 164 of 1982) related to the possibility of rectifying the attribution of sex only following the modification of the sexual characteristics of a person.




La legge elettorale torna al vaglio della Corte costituzionale. Considerazioni a margine dell’ordinanza di rimessione del Tribunale di Messina



The author analyzes some profiles of constitutional legitimacy of the electoral law of the Chamber of Deputies (law no. 52 of 2015), recalling the previous decision of the Constitutional Court (judgment no. 1 of 2014), which had declared unconstitutional a part of the previous electoral law.




I limiti intrinseci alla revisione costituzionale nella giurisprudenza colombiana



Intrinsic limits to constitutional amendment in Colombian case law

The present contribution takes into consideration implicit limits to constitutional amendment, comparing the Italian system and the Colombian one, with specific attention for constitutional case law of both countries. The issues emerging from constitutional amendment are linked by the Author to the topic of “identity” of constitution. According to the Author, such matter can be dealt with from two different perspectives, i.e. that of political theory and that of legal theory




Brevi osservazioni sull’ammissibilità del referendum “per fermare le trivelle”



The author analyzes the decision of the Constitutional Court (no. 17 of 2016), which had declared admissible the proposal for a referendum to repeal the rule that allowed the research and exploration of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in the sea.




La costituzionalizzazione dei diritti fondamentali nell’Albania postcomunista



The constitutionalisation of fundamental rights in post-communist Albania

The article analyzes the evolution of the protection of the fundamental rights in post-communist Albania. Starting from the role of the ECHR in the internal constitutional order, through the evolutions of the vertical and horizontal dialogue between the courts, the analyzes deals with the right to life.  The evolution of the protection of  fundamental rights in countries that, like Albania, are under EU conditionality, remains linked to the dynamics of the internationalization of constitutional law and the constitutionalization of international law in the wake of the so-called “supranationalism” or “multilevel global constitutional system” (E.C.).




Il primato del diritto dell’Unione sul diritto nazionale: lo scarto tra il modello e l’esperienza e la ricerca dei modi della loro possibile ricomposizione



The author analyzes the relationship between European Union law and national law, underling that a «equal and joint “primacy”» of all the Charters is being affirmed, also allowed by the dialogue between the Constitutional Courts and the European Courts (Court of Justice of the European Union and European Court of Human Rights).




Prescrizione e principio di legalità nell’ordine costituzionale europeo. Note critiche alla sentenza Taricco



After describing the relationship between the Constitutional Court and the European Courts (Court of Justice of the European Union and European Court of Human Rights), the author analyzes the "Taricco" affair.




L’uso fatto della Carta dei diritti dell’Unione da parte della Corte di Cassazione



The use of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union by the Court of Cassation:

The present contribution discusses the use of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union made by the Italian Court of Cassation, taking into account two main stances. The first stance remarks that the Charter is irrelevant in those territory where European Union law is not applicable. The second stance, instead, highlights the role of the Charter even in non-EU territories, at least in to reinforce or better explain some arguments.




L’uso fatto della Carta dei diritti dell’Unione nella giurisprudenza costituzionale (2000-2015)



The use made of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in constitutional jurisprudence  (2000-2015)

The Author focuses on the use of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in constitutional jurisprudence from 2000 to 2015. In particular, the Article examines several decision-making techniques adopted by the  Constitutional Court in this matter and the Charter collocation in the  framework of the European sources of law (L.T.).




L’autonomia di fronte a se stessa: il caso degli statuti regionali ordinari



Autonomy confronted with itself: the cases of ordinary regional statutes

The present article considers the constitutional standing of “second generation” statutes of ordinary regions, i.e. those progressively adopted by Italian regions after constitutional reforms of 1999 and 2001.

First of all, some procedural issues, connected to art. 123 It. Const. and its ambiguous features, are analysed, also with specific focus on the interpretation of the Italian Constitutional Court.

Then, the article examines contents determined by ordinary statutes. First, the form of government, in which regard the author remarks lack of originality in the interpretation of the relationship between regional Legislative and Executive powers. Second, the author surveys programmatic provisions of statutes, where non-productive approaches as well as potential upgrading of these normative tools can be noticed.

In conclusion, potential tools aimed at positively exploit the differences between Italian Regions are briefly taken into consideration, even beyond the – not fully satisfactory – experience with “second generation” statutes. In this regard, potential implementation of art. 116.3 It. Const. is examined (E.G/C.G.).




L’uso fatto della Carta dei diritti dell’Unione nella giurisprudenza della Corte EDU



The use made of the EU Charter of Rights in the jurisprudence of the EDU Court

The work analyzes the circumstances and the reasons why the European Court of Human Rights made use of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the various phases of the existence of the Charter itself




La doctrine delle political questions nell’esperienza statunitense



The political question doctrine in the US experience

Il presente lavoro analizza la doctrine della political question nell’ordinamento statunitense. Il contributo muove dalla considerazione per cui questa doctrine va rapportata al principio di separazione dei poteri e ripercorre la sua storia e applicazione nel corso del tempo. L’autore prende in analisi diversi casi e, nell’ultima parte del lavoro, discute anche i potenziali problemi che sorgono dalla political question doctrine e i possibili rimedi correlati.








LARA TRUCCO, Recensione

a Francesca Bailo, Capacità elettorale e Costituzione, Napoli, Jovene, 2015, p. 1-328 ISBN: 978-88-243-2394-9



Review to Francesca Bailo «Electoral capacity and Constitution», Naples, 2015.

Lara Trucco offers the reader a complete view of Francesca Bailo's book dedicated to questions concerning the institution of electoral capacity, with regard to both active and passive electoral rights, and of the electoral legislation. In particular, the attention is focused on the immediate repercussions that this topic has on the mechanisms of representation and democracy of the legal system (L.T.).

















Consulta OnLine (periodico online) ISSN 1971-9892