OnLine (periodico
online) ISSN 1971-9892
The "timed" marriage of the
transsexual: an obligatory and... impossible solution? (a quick comment to Cass., I Sec. civ., n.
8097 of 2015)
The author reflects on some technical issues
raised by a case which was first dealt with by the Constitutional Court in
ruling no. 170 of 2014 and then by the Court of Cassation in the ruling
indicated in the title of the work. The author highlights the gap between the
reasoning and the operative part of the Constitutional Court’s ruling no. 170
of 2014, as well as the weird rule that the Court of Cassation
"extracted" from the principle added by the Constitutional Court,
with the artificial invention of a legal concept that... does not exist: the
"timed" marriage. The author highlights the torsion suffered by the
traditional decision-making techniques of the Constitutional Court and reflects
on remedies that would abstractly be possible to address the problem of incorrect
implementation of the decisions of the Constitutional Court by ordinary judges.
The electoral system "Italicum-bis"
in the light of the judgment of the Constitutional Court No. 1/2014
The Author focuses on
draft law containing "provisions for the election of the Chamber of
Deputies" (s.c. "Italicum-bis"),
approved, with amendments, by the Senate, on 27 January 2015, in light of the
landmark ruling of the Constitutional Court No. 1 / 2014. A comparison is also made with the previous version of the law (s.c. “Italicum") (L.T.).
A false step by the Constitutional Court on the
issue of reference to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling by the
Constitutional Court itself (short comment to Constitutional Court ruling no.
56 of 2015)
The author makes some critical remarks on the
argumentative approach followed by the Italian Constitutional Court in its
judgment No. 56 of 2015, with regard to certain specific and important aspects
relating to the Constitutional Court's power to raise questions for a
preliminary ruling before the Court of Justice of the European Union
La Corte costituzionale come “nodo” della Rete
The Italian
Constitutional Court as a "node" in the internet
The paper examines the
methods and the quality of the presence of the Italian Constitutional Court on
the web, comparing the services with the internet sites of the British Supreme
Court, the Supreme Court of the United States, the German Federal
Constitutional Court, the Spanish Constitutional Court and the French Council
Court of Justice and national courts: the
“upward” movement, i.e. the impact of “common constitutional traditions” on the
protection afforded to rights by the EU Court of Justice
The author reflects on the role of the
“constitutional traditions common to the Member States” in the protection of
fundamental rights by the Court of Justice and, more specifically, in its
relations with national courts. The author dwells - with various
jurisprudential references - on the role of these constitutional traditions in
the different stages of the European integration process, from the origins to
the Maastricht Treaty and, lastly, to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
EU and the Lisbon Treaty, which open new perspectives with regard to this (in
some respects) vague but important legal notion, full of connections with other
fundamental issues, as the relationship
between legal systems and judicial dialogue.
Corte tra Robin Hood Tax e
legislatore “Senzaterra”
The Constitutional Court between Robin Hood Tax
and "Lackland" Legislator
The author examines Constitutional Court
judgment No. 10 of 2015 and makes some observations, in particular, on the type
of balance (unequal or equal) between budgetary equilibrium and rights, as well
as, more generally, on the relationship between constitutional law and the
economic crisis.
Analisi critica della sent. n. 10
del 2015, con la quale la Corte costituzionale, dopo aver affermato, in linea
generale, di poter modulare gli effetti “retroattivi” delle sue pronunce di
accoglimento, è giunta ad annullare, con effetti solo pro futuro, la c.d. Robin tax.
Secondo l’Autore, infatti, tale tecnica decisionale si pone in contrasto, tra
l’altro: a) col carattere di
pregiudizialità che deve rivestire la quaestio
legitimitatis; b) col diritto alla tutela giurisdizionale delle parti del giudizio
a quo (R.P.)
trasformazioni del principio democratico
The transformations of the democratic principle
The author focuses on the transformations of
the democratic principle, starting from the ancient's conceptions of democracy
as equal direct participation in the management of public affairs and then
reflecting in depth on the characteristics of modern democracies, particularly
on the relationship between procedural and substantive aspects, also dwelling
on the differences between "deliberative democracy" and
"participatory democracy" and devoting particular attention to the
democratic principle in the Italian constitutional order, as well as, in
conclusion, on the reasons for the crisis and the prospects for the future
evolution of the democratic principle.
CEDU assediata? Osservazioni a Corte cost. n. 49/2015
Assaulting the European Convention of Human
Rights? Some comments on decision of the Italian Constitutional Court no.
The article comments the impact of decision of the
Italian Constitutional Court no. 49/2015 on the relation between the European
Convention of Human Rights and national law. After a brief summary of the above
decision – whereby, national judges shall not interpret national law in
accordance with the case-law of the European Court of Human rights, unless such
case-law can be consolidated “consolidated” – the author outlines its
percussions on the principles set forth by the previous decisions nos. 348/2007
and 349/2007. The analysis is concluded with the author’s view on the main
issues of the Constitutional Court’s new approach also in the light of Italy’s
ratification of Protocol no. 16 to the European Convention of Human Rights (M.R.).
Prime note sul segreto di Stato nella
dimensione della democrazia rappresentativa
First notes on
State secrecy in the dimension of representative democracy
The article reconstructs the legal framework
of State secrecy and the role of the institute in the dimension of
representative democracy, by examining its function and basis according to
doctrine and constitutional jurisprudence and by considering parliamentary,
judicial and constitutional oversight on its use (V.P.)
I diritti dei non cittadini tra modello costituzionale e
politiche nazionali
The condition of “non-citizens”, between the
constitutional model and national policies
The article is dedicated to the condition of
the so-called “non-citizens”, compared with the one of Italian citizens and
with the one of European citizens. After a summary of the main constitutional
provisions regarding the rights of non-citizens also in the light of the
relevant case-law of the Italian Constitutional Court, the author comments the
doctrine of the “stronger protection” and the main criticisms risen against
such doctrine by many scholars. The article continues with a focus on political
rights of non-citizens and, on the other hand, on their constitutional duties.
The final paragraph includes some concluding remarks with reference to the
evolution of the condition of both non-citizens and Italian citizens (M.R.).
Discrepancies between science and law,
discretion and reasonableness in the light of human dignity (some comments on
decision of the Constitutional Court no. 162/2014)
The article comments decision no. 162/2014,
whereby the Italian Constitutional Court declared the unconstitutionality of
Articles 4, paragraph 3, 19, paragraphs 1 and 3, and 12, paragraph 1 of Law no.
40/2004, prohibiting heterological medically assisted procreation practices to
couples affected by irreversible infertility pathologies. After a brief summary
of the a quo proceedings, the author focuses on the possible connections
between science and law, emphasized by the Court as far as women’s health and –
in a broader sense – women’s dignity are concerned. In this respect, the author
stresses the differences between to views of human dignity – both envisaged in
the Court’s discourse – a “comprehensive” view of human dignity and an
“excluding” one (M.R.).
The sentence no. 32 of 2014, of the Constitutional Court returns to the controversial issue of the
connection between the law decree and the law of confirmation. In continuity
with its recent case law (sentence n. 22 of 2012) the Court is concerned to guarantee the homogeneity of the law of
confirmation with respect to the law decree, also because of the peculiarities
that characterize this act on the procedural level. The decision, however, also
opens up to controversial issues, especially in the part in which it tries to
define the temporal effects of the unconstitutionality of criminal laws,
hypothesizing the “restoration” of previous law.
Conflicts between international customary rules
and the Constitution, act second: what could be the possible “outcomes” of
decision no. 238/2014?
The article analyses the possible outcomes of
decision of the Constitutional Court no. 238/2014 on the solution of conflicts
between international customary rules and the Constitution. At first, the
author reflects on whether the principle set forth by the Court – whereby, in
case of contrast between the fundamental principles and international rules,
the latter shall be considered as “not-existing” – should be applied to all
types of conflicts and on the main pros and cons any possible approach to
answer the previous question. On the other hand, the author focuses on the
procedural techniques followed by the Court and offers some significative
comparison with previous constitutional case-law. The final part is dedicated
to the author’s view on the necessity of a revirenment
by the Constitutional Court and of some auspicated legislative reforms in this
regard (M.R.).
Electoral matter: the Constitutional Court
maintains the director's role, even if it changes the plot of the movie (some
reflections about the dec. No. 275/2014)
This article examines the decision of the Constitutional Court No. 275/2014 in a question raised by the Regional Administrative Court of Trento within a dispute initiated by two voters who were candidates in the municipal elections of the Region. In particular, the author focuses on some passages of the decision in which the constitutional judge seems to turn back the clock compared to what was stated in landmark decision No. 1/2014 (L.T.).
Maggiore o minor tutela nel prossimo futuro per i diritti fondamentali?
A stronger or weaker protection of fundamental
rights in the near future?
The author reflects on the role of national and
non-national Courts in protecting fundamental human rights in the light of the
decline of the “national State” concept and of the emerging economic crisis.
The shift towards a new model of State favored – in
the author’s view – the dialogue between Courts, whereby (constitutional and
non-constitutional) judges of different countries and legal systems often cite
each other’s case-law. In this respect, the article focuses on the approach
adopted by the Italian Constitutional Court, in addressing the European Court
of Human Rights’ jurisprudence and then on the frequent recourse to the
preliminary ruling procedure provided by Art. 267 TFEU.
Rights without regulation
The article analyses the possibility to outline
protected positions in absence of a corresponding legal provision or also in
contrast with other legal provisions. In particular, the author reflects on the
ancient issue of the possible contrast between pre-existing fundamental rights
and law enacted by public bodies, also represented in Antigone’s tragedy. The
article continues with an excursus on the codification-process of fundamental
rights, both from a national and from an international point of view, followed
by a focus on the position of irregular-immigrants and LGBTI persons. An
additional paragraph is dedicated to the “rights without regulation in absolute
terms”, such as the “right to live in a couple-condition”, the “right to refuse
sanitary treatments”, the right to access to internet, the right to be
The Italian Constitutional Court and the
prophetic story. Some comments on decision no. 238/2014
The article analyses decision no. 238/2014 and its impact not only on the
hierarchy of legal sources, but also on the fundamental constitutional values founding
the Italian legal system. After a summary of the content of decision – whereby
foreign States’ immunity with reference to iure imperii acts cannot exclude the jurisdiction of Italian
judges – the author focuses on the procedural techniques followed by the
Constitutional Court to scrutinize an international customary rule and
concludes with some final remarks in the light of the case-law of other constitutional and (non-constitutional)
OnLine (periodico
online) ISSN 1971-9892