Entro il 31 gennaio 2025 - CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS -Nuova deadline ICON•S Brasilia
Cari supporters di ICON•S Italia,
vi comunichiamo che c'è tempo fino al 31 gennaio 2025 per inviare le proprie proposte per la Conferenza annuale di ICON•S dal titolo "At the Crossroads of Public Law: Equality, Climate Emergency, and Democracy in the Digital Era".
La conferenza si terrà dal 28 al 30 luglio presso l'Università di Brasilia (UnB) ed è congiuntamente organizzata dal Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CECC) e dal Constituições: Centro de Constitucionalismo e Comparativismo.
Maggiori informazioni sulla Call for Panels and Papers e sulle modalità di invio delle proposte si possono trovare QUI
Cogliamo l'occasione per ricordarvi che la prossima conferenza di ICON•S Italia si svolgerà a inizio ottobre presso l'Università di Cagliari.
Cari supporters di ICON•S Italia,
vi comunichiamo che c'è tempo fino al 31 gennaio 2025 per inviare le proprie proposte per la Conferenza annuale di ICON•S dal titolo "At the Crossroads of Public Law: Equality, Climate Emergency, and Democracy in the Digital Era".
La conferenza si terrà dal 28 al 30 luglio presso l'Università di Brasilia (UnB) ed è congiuntamente organizzata dal Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CECC) e dal Constituições: Centro de Constitucionalismo e Comparativismo.
Maggiori informazioni sulla Call for Panels and Papers e sulle modalità di invio delle proposte si possono trovare QUI
Cogliamo l'occasione per ricordarvi che la prossima conferenza di ICON•S Italia si svolgerà a inizio ottobre presso l'Università di Cagliari.
Entro il 31 gennaio 2025 - Call for papers for the international conference The Venice Commission 1990-2025 Taking stock of 35 years for democracy through law
"Taking stock of 35 years for democracy through law"
Milan, Bocconi University, 15-16 May 2025
Established through Resolution (90)6 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe "on a Partial Agreement Establishing the European Commission for Democracy through Law” on 10 May 1990, the Commission for Democracy through Law (‘Venice Commission’) has constantly grown in importance and influence in the course of its 35 years of activity. While in the Nineties its main task was to support the constitution building processes during the democratic transition in Central and Eastern European countries, in recent years the Venice Commission has been confronted with a wide variety of constitutional issues from all over Europe. Furthermore, its impact has significantly expanded beyond Europe, with 15 non-Council of Europe States among its members and cooperation programs in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Having delivered an impressive amount of opinions and studies covering all areas of comparative constitutional law, the Venice Commission is nowadays a leading and influential voice in Europe on all matters pertaining to democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of its establishment, the Department of Legal Studies of Bocconi University in Milan and the Venice Commission convene a 2-days international conference – "The Venice Commission 1990-2025. Taking stock of 35 years for democracy through law” – to encourage the scientific debate on the contribution of the Venice Commission to the development of common constitutional standards. The conference aims at being an occasion of dialogue and exchange between legal scholarship and the Venice Commission and its Secretariat on current and future challenges for the Commission.
Legal scholars at all stages of their professional career and from all jurisdictions are invited to submit a proposal focusing on the following topics (non-exhaustive list):
• The history of the Venice Commission, its authority-building process, its current challenges;
• The Commission’s institutional setting (composition, selection of members, legal basis, types of documents adopted, etc.);
• The Commission’s ways of working (dialogue with the domestic stakeholders, stewardship, cooperative approach, etc.);
• Effects and impact of its opinions and studies (quotations by domestic and international courts, impact on domestic legislative processes, influence on international standard setting, etc.);
• Examination of specific opinions and reports, either on a particular topic (e.g. constitutional adjudication, election laws, amnesty laws, etc.) or on a particular State, including their impact on the ground;
• The Commission’s interaction with national or international authorities (national Parliaments, Governments and Courts, Ombudsman institutions, international organizations, the ECtHR, etc.);
• The cooperation with the European Union and the increasing role of the Venice Commission in the assessment of the conditionality requirements for candidate countries to the EU as well as Member States.
Participants are requested to send an abstract of no more than 4.000 characters (including spaces), by 31 January 2025, via email to: [email protected] using as email subject "The Venice Commission 1990-2025”.
The organizing committee will select the papers and notify the participants by 15 February 2025. Successful applicants will be invited to present their papers at the conference and debate with one or two discussants, including former and current members of the Venice Commission.
The conference proceedings will be published, subject to peer review, either in a special issue of an international law journal, or in an edited book.
The organizing Committee: Marta Cartabia (Bocconi University and Venice Commission), Simona Granata-Menghini (Venice Commission), Davide Paris (Bocconi University).
Deadlines’ overview:
Submission of abstracts: 31 January 2025
Notification of successful applicants: 15 February 2025
For further information:
[email protected]
"Taking stock of 35 years for democracy through law"
Milan, Bocconi University, 15-16 May 2025
Established through Resolution (90)6 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe "on a Partial Agreement Establishing the European Commission for Democracy through Law” on 10 May 1990, the Commission for Democracy through Law (‘Venice Commission’) has constantly grown in importance and influence in the course of its 35 years of activity. While in the Nineties its main task was to support the constitution building processes during the democratic transition in Central and Eastern European countries, in recent years the Venice Commission has been confronted with a wide variety of constitutional issues from all over Europe. Furthermore, its impact has significantly expanded beyond Europe, with 15 non-Council of Europe States among its members and cooperation programs in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Having delivered an impressive amount of opinions and studies covering all areas of comparative constitutional law, the Venice Commission is nowadays a leading and influential voice in Europe on all matters pertaining to democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of its establishment, the Department of Legal Studies of Bocconi University in Milan and the Venice Commission convene a 2-days international conference – "The Venice Commission 1990-2025. Taking stock of 35 years for democracy through law” – to encourage the scientific debate on the contribution of the Venice Commission to the development of common constitutional standards. The conference aims at being an occasion of dialogue and exchange between legal scholarship and the Venice Commission and its Secretariat on current and future challenges for the Commission.
Legal scholars at all stages of their professional career and from all jurisdictions are invited to submit a proposal focusing on the following topics (non-exhaustive list):
• The history of the Venice Commission, its authority-building process, its current challenges;
• The Commission’s institutional setting (composition, selection of members, legal basis, types of documents adopted, etc.);
• The Commission’s ways of working (dialogue with the domestic stakeholders, stewardship, cooperative approach, etc.);
• Effects and impact of its opinions and studies (quotations by domestic and international courts, impact on domestic legislative processes, influence on international standard setting, etc.);
• Examination of specific opinions and reports, either on a particular topic (e.g. constitutional adjudication, election laws, amnesty laws, etc.) or on a particular State, including their impact on the ground;
• The Commission’s interaction with national or international authorities (national Parliaments, Governments and Courts, Ombudsman institutions, international organizations, the ECtHR, etc.);
• The cooperation with the European Union and the increasing role of the Venice Commission in the assessment of the conditionality requirements for candidate countries to the EU as well as Member States.
Participants are requested to send an abstract of no more than 4.000 characters (including spaces), by 31 January 2025, via email to: [email protected] using as email subject "The Venice Commission 1990-2025”.
The organizing committee will select the papers and notify the participants by 15 February 2025. Successful applicants will be invited to present their papers at the conference and debate with one or two discussants, including former and current members of the Venice Commission.
The conference proceedings will be published, subject to peer review, either in a special issue of an international law journal, or in an edited book.
The organizing Committee: Marta Cartabia (Bocconi University and Venice Commission), Simona Granata-Menghini (Venice Commission), Davide Paris (Bocconi University).
Deadlines’ overview:
Submission of abstracts: 31 January 2025
Notification of successful applicants: 15 February 2025
For further information:
[email protected]
Entro il 28 febbraio 2025 - SIENA - BANDO DI SELEZIONE Giornate di studio I partiti politici nel costituzionalismo europeo
"I partiti politici nel costituzionalismo europeo"
L’Università di Siena, tramite il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza (DGIUR) e il Gruppo di ricerca e formazione sul Diritto pubblico europeo e comparato (DIPEC), con il patrocinio dell’Associazione DPCE, organizza le Giornate di studio su “Diritto e giustizia elettorale nel
costituzionalismo europeo”.
L’iniziativa si inserisce nell’ambito delle attività del Modulo Jean Monnet CREU “Citizenship Rights in the European Union” e si svolgerà dall’8 all’11 settembre 2025, per un totale di 4 giorni di lezione. Le lezioni si svolgeranno in parte presso la Certosa di Pontignano e in parte
presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza. Ogni giorno di lezione sarà suddiviso in due parti:
una prima parte, di 3 ore, sarà dedicata alla presentazione del tema da parte del docente; una seconda parte, di 3 ore, sarà dedicata agli interventi dei partecipanti e al dibattito con i docenti.
Il programma
- Mario Perini (Università di Siena): La democrazia interna nei partiti politici (8 settembre, ore 14-20)
- Gabriele Maestri (Università di Roma Tre): I simboli dei partiti politici europei (9 settembre, ore 14-20)
- Francesco Saitto (Università di Roma La Sapienza): Partiti politici e gruppi parlamentari europei (10 settembre, ore 8-14)
- Carla Bassu (Università di Sassari), La parità di genere nei partiti politici (11 settembre, ore 8-14)
Le condizioni
L’Università di Siena coprirà le seguenti spese:
- Alloggio: per tutti i partecipanti selezionati, in camera singola o doppia uso singola;
- Pasti: cena dell’8 settembre presso ristornate del centro; pranzi del 9 e 10 settembre presso la mensa dell’Università di Siena; pranzo dell’11 settembre presso la Certosa di Pontignano.
- Tassa di iscrizione: NON prevista
La selezione
La partecipazione alle Giornate sarà limitata a 12 giovani studiosi e studiose (dottorandi/e, dottori/esse di ricerca, assegnisti/e di ricerca, cultori/cultrici della materia) previa selezione per titoli. Sarà valutata la possibilità di ammettere iscritti in sovrannumero, a spese proprie.
Per partecipare, è necessario inviare entro il 28 febbraio 2025 una mail di manifestazione di interesse all’indirizzo [email protected], allegando il proprio curriculum.
La selezione delle candidature sarà svolta da una Commissione formata dal prof. Giammaria Milani, coordinatore dell’iniziativa, e da due rappresentanti dell’Associazione DPCE e/o dell’Università di Siena.
L’esito della selezione verrà comunicato entro il 15 marzo 2025.
Per informazioni [email protected]
"I partiti politici nel costituzionalismo europeo"
L’Università di Siena, tramite il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza (DGIUR) e il Gruppo di ricerca e formazione sul Diritto pubblico europeo e comparato (DIPEC), con il patrocinio dell’Associazione DPCE, organizza le Giornate di studio su “Diritto e giustizia elettorale nel
costituzionalismo europeo”.
L’iniziativa si inserisce nell’ambito delle attività del Modulo Jean Monnet CREU “Citizenship Rights in the European Union” e si svolgerà dall’8 all’11 settembre 2025, per un totale di 4 giorni di lezione. Le lezioni si svolgeranno in parte presso la Certosa di Pontignano e in parte
presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza. Ogni giorno di lezione sarà suddiviso in due parti:
una prima parte, di 3 ore, sarà dedicata alla presentazione del tema da parte del docente; una seconda parte, di 3 ore, sarà dedicata agli interventi dei partecipanti e al dibattito con i docenti.
Il programma
- Mario Perini (Università di Siena): La democrazia interna nei partiti politici (8 settembre, ore 14-20)
- Gabriele Maestri (Università di Roma Tre): I simboli dei partiti politici europei (9 settembre, ore 14-20)
- Francesco Saitto (Università di Roma La Sapienza): Partiti politici e gruppi parlamentari europei (10 settembre, ore 8-14)
- Carla Bassu (Università di Sassari), La parità di genere nei partiti politici (11 settembre, ore 8-14)
Le condizioni
L’Università di Siena coprirà le seguenti spese:
- Alloggio: per tutti i partecipanti selezionati, in camera singola o doppia uso singola;
- Pasti: cena dell’8 settembre presso ristornate del centro; pranzi del 9 e 10 settembre presso la mensa dell’Università di Siena; pranzo dell’11 settembre presso la Certosa di Pontignano.
- Tassa di iscrizione: NON prevista
La selezione
La partecipazione alle Giornate sarà limitata a 12 giovani studiosi e studiose (dottorandi/e, dottori/esse di ricerca, assegnisti/e di ricerca, cultori/cultrici della materia) previa selezione per titoli. Sarà valutata la possibilità di ammettere iscritti in sovrannumero, a spese proprie.
Per partecipare, è necessario inviare entro il 28 febbraio 2025 una mail di manifestazione di interesse all’indirizzo [email protected], allegando il proprio curriculum.
La selezione delle candidature sarà svolta da una Commissione formata dal prof. Giammaria Milani, coordinatore dell’iniziativa, e da due rappresentanti dell’Associazione DPCE e/o dell’Università di Siena.
L’esito della selezione verrà comunicato entro il 15 marzo 2025.
Per informazioni [email protected]
Entro il 15 marzo 2025 - SIENA - Call for papers for the international conference “NEW SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES: THE ROLE OF COURTS“
Università di Siena - Certosa di Pontignano, Siena
Conference subject-matter
In the 21st century, sustainability is becoming a key constitutional concept, being increasingly entrenched in national constitutions, mainly in the area of environmental protection.
Nevertheless, the implementation of such provisions is rather problematic, due to the short-term perspective of political decision-making. In most cases, the burden to enforce sustainability clauses falls on courts, as shown by the growing trend in climate litigation. Against this
background, the Conference aims to explore the role played by international, constitutional and ordinary courts, including the procedural tools to make judicial remedies effective, especially in light of civil society participation.
The Conference will be organized into three sessions, with the participation of leading scholars from different countries and continents. The sessions will be dedicated respectively to:
1) Challenging Climate Change Before International Courts;
2) Sustainability and Courts: Questioning the Role of Civil Society;
3) Future Generations and Environmental Rights: Insights from Constitutional Courts.
Preferential topics to be addressed
Within the framework of the Conference subject-matter, the call for papers is especially aimed at addressing cases related to climate change, future generations, and rights of nature at both international and national levels.
Questions to be addressed may include (but are not limited to):
a) models of constitutional justice and sustainability litigation;
b) regional systems of human rights and sustainability;
c) the issue of standing in sustainability litigation;
d) the role of amici curiae in sustainability litigation;
e) the role of experts, agencies and independent authorities;
PRIN 2022 PNRR - Missione 4 Università e Ricercà
f) the reasoning behind courts’ judgments (use of arguments in conventional or
constitutional interpretation);
g) strategic litigation;
h) the execution of the judgments: the role of the legislator and the administration;
i) solutions to address legislative omissions;
j) the role of civil society.
The conveners encourage submissions from both PhD candidates and junior scholars (postdoctoral researchers, research fellows, assistant professors, etc.) at the early stages of their academic careers (within 7 years of completing their PhD). A maximum of 14 proposals will be
To submit an abstract
Interested scholars are invited to submit a CV and an abstract, in English or French, of no more than 500 words by March 15, 2025. Submissions should be sent to Rachele Bizzari at [email protected] (please use "Call for papers - New Sustainability and Courts” as the subject line of your e-mail). Applicants will be notified by April 1, 2025. Full drafts of papers must be submitted no later than June 5, 2025. Papers should not exceed 10,000 words and may be written and presented in either English or French.
Those submitting a proposal must specify whether they prefer to participate in person or online at the time of submission.
Papers presented at the Conference will be considered for publication in an edited volume.
Registration, travel, and lodging
There is no fee to participate in the Conference. The conveners will provide meals for paper presenters. Paper presenters are responsible for their own accommodation, travel and incidental expenses.
The Conference is organized by the DIPEC Research Group at the University of Siena, within the PRIN 2022 PNRR "New Sustainability Governance (NESUS-G)”, Principal Investigator Prof. Tania Groppi.
PRIN 2022 PNRR - Missione 4 Università e Ricercà
Scientific Committee
Tania Groppi, Antonella Brozzetti, Valentina Carlino, Giammaria Milani, Riccardo Pavoni, Nicola Vizioli
Organizing Committee
Rachele Bizzari (coord.) [email protected], Virginia Lemme, Matteo Paolanti
PRIN 2022 PNRR - Missione 4 Università e Ricercà
Università di Siena - Certosa di Pontignano, Siena
Conference subject-matter
In the 21st century, sustainability is becoming a key constitutional concept, being increasingly entrenched in national constitutions, mainly in the area of environmental protection.
Nevertheless, the implementation of such provisions is rather problematic, due to the short-term perspective of political decision-making. In most cases, the burden to enforce sustainability clauses falls on courts, as shown by the growing trend in climate litigation. Against this
background, the Conference aims to explore the role played by international, constitutional and ordinary courts, including the procedural tools to make judicial remedies effective, especially in light of civil society participation.
The Conference will be organized into three sessions, with the participation of leading scholars from different countries and continents. The sessions will be dedicated respectively to:
1) Challenging Climate Change Before International Courts;
2) Sustainability and Courts: Questioning the Role of Civil Society;
3) Future Generations and Environmental Rights: Insights from Constitutional Courts.
Preferential topics to be addressed
Within the framework of the Conference subject-matter, the call for papers is especially aimed at addressing cases related to climate change, future generations, and rights of nature at both international and national levels.
Questions to be addressed may include (but are not limited to):
a) models of constitutional justice and sustainability litigation;
b) regional systems of human rights and sustainability;
c) the issue of standing in sustainability litigation;
d) the role of amici curiae in sustainability litigation;
e) the role of experts, agencies and independent authorities;
PRIN 2022 PNRR - Missione 4 Università e Ricercà
f) the reasoning behind courts’ judgments (use of arguments in conventional or
constitutional interpretation);
g) strategic litigation;
h) the execution of the judgments: the role of the legislator and the administration;
i) solutions to address legislative omissions;
j) the role of civil society.
The conveners encourage submissions from both PhD candidates and junior scholars (postdoctoral researchers, research fellows, assistant professors, etc.) at the early stages of their academic careers (within 7 years of completing their PhD). A maximum of 14 proposals will be
To submit an abstract
Interested scholars are invited to submit a CV and an abstract, in English or French, of no more than 500 words by March 15, 2025. Submissions should be sent to Rachele Bizzari at [email protected] (please use "Call for papers - New Sustainability and Courts” as the subject line of your e-mail). Applicants will be notified by April 1, 2025. Full drafts of papers must be submitted no later than June 5, 2025. Papers should not exceed 10,000 words and may be written and presented in either English or French.
Those submitting a proposal must specify whether they prefer to participate in person or online at the time of submission.
Papers presented at the Conference will be considered for publication in an edited volume.
Registration, travel, and lodging
There is no fee to participate in the Conference. The conveners will provide meals for paper presenters. Paper presenters are responsible for their own accommodation, travel and incidental expenses.
The Conference is organized by the DIPEC Research Group at the University of Siena, within the PRIN 2022 PNRR "New Sustainability Governance (NESUS-G)”, Principal Investigator Prof. Tania Groppi.
PRIN 2022 PNRR - Missione 4 Università e Ricercà
Scientific Committee
Tania Groppi, Antonella Brozzetti, Valentina Carlino, Giammaria Milani, Riccardo Pavoni, Nicola Vizioli
Organizing Committee
Rachele Bizzari (coord.) [email protected], Virginia Lemme, Matteo Paolanti
PRIN 2022 PNRR - Missione 4 Università e Ricercà